In the world of livestock nutrition, finding the right balance between cost-effectiveness and high-quality feed is essential for optimal animal health and productivity. This comprehensive guide will delve into every aspect of soybean meal feed, from its composition and nutritional value to its benefits, considerations, and usage in different types of livestock diets.
“Buy Soybean meal feed wholesale online: A protein-rich and versatile livestock feed derived from soybeans, supporting healthy growth and development in animals.
Soybean meal is used in food and animal feeds, principally as a protein supplement, but also as a source of metabolizable energy. Typically 1 bushel of soybeans yields 48 lbs. of soybean meal. Soybean meal is produced as a co-product of soybean oil extraction.
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Table of Contents – Where to Buy Soybean meal feed wholesale online
- Soybean Meal: An Overview –
- Introduction to soybean meal
- Production process and types
- Nutritional Composition of Soybean Meal – Buy Soybean meal feed wholesale online
- Protein content and amino acid profile
- Energy content
- Fat and fiber content
- Vitamins and minerals
- Benefits of Soybean Meal Feed – Buy Soybean meal feed wholesale online
- High-quality protein source
- Amino acids for growth and development
- Improved feed efficiency
- Enhancing reproductive performance
- Immune system support
- Considerations When Using Soybean Meal –
- Anti-nutritional factors and their mitigation
- Allergenicity concerns
- Balancing rations with other feed ingredients
- Quality assessment of soybean meal
- Incorporating Soybean Meal in Livestock Diets –
- Poultry nutrition and soybean meal
- Swine nutrition and soybean meal
- Ruminant nutrition and soybean meal
- Aquaculture nutrition and soybean meal
- Processing and Storage of Soybean Meal –
- Pelleting and extrusion
- Proper storage to maintain quality
- Challenges and solutions
- Sustainability and Soybean Production – cultivation and environmental impact
- Responsible sourcing of soybean meal
- Research and Innovations in Soybean Meal Usage –
- Genetic modifications and improved traits
- New processing techniques
- Impact on future livestock nutrition
- Case Studies: Soybean Meal Success Stories – Where to buy soybean meal
- Real-world examples of improved animal performance
- Economic benefits for livestock producers
- FAQs About Soybean Meal Feed
- Addressing common questions and misconceptions
- Soybean meal is the most used vegetable protein feed in the production of animal feeds. Soybean is sent for crushing to get oil and cake which is further sent to extraction for removal of residual oil and to obtain its meal. Soybean meal is considered premium to other oil meals due to high protein content. Our meal is obtained from raw material Non-GMO Soybean.
- Soybean meal is the most important protein source used to feed poultry and livestock/ruminant animals.(Cattle, horse, pig, fish, sheep). Soybean Meal is the standard to which other protein sources are compared, and is a by-product of soybean oil extraction. Protein, fiber, and fat levels all vary with the process by which the oil is extracted. Soybean Meal is a highly palatable source of protein, and used often as the dominant source of protein in the rations of most farm animals, including ruminants, pigs, poultry, and aquaculture. CONTACT US to order
Nutrient Profile
Crude Protein Min. 46-47 % Moisture 10% Max. Fibre 4.0% Max. Fat 1.3% Min. Urease Activity 0.2-0.3 rise in pH NDF 8.90% ADF 5.40% Amino Acid Profile
Arginine 2.78 % Cysteine 0.63 % Histidine 1.26 % Isoleucine 1.96 % Leucine 3.43 % Lysine 1.25 % Valine 1.93 % Methionine 0.60 % Phenylalanine 2.26 % Threonine 1.76 % Tryptophan 0.59 % Tyrosine 1.55 % Energy Profile
Metabolic Energy (poultry) 2.475 kcal/kg Metabolic Energy (bovine) 2.856 kcal/kg Buy Soybean meal feed wholesale online
Use Cattle, Chicken, Dog, Fish Type Soybean Meal Protein 46% Min Port of Dispatch Odessa Moisture (%) 10% Max Admixture (%) 1%max Packaging As Per Buyer Requirement OEM Accepted Soybean meal, oil < 5%, 46% protein + oil Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), with partial reintroduction of the hulls. This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. It should contain about 46% (as fed) of protein + oil.
Soymeal provides good quality protein – which is really important to heal the damaged hooves in horses that have had laminitis. Soymeal contains the highest quality protein and the highest amount of lysine of the plant-based protein supplements. For example soymeal is 44% protein, lupins 35% and sugar beet 8.6%. But it’s the amino acids that count because deficiency of any single one will place a limit on tissue repair and building.
For horses with laminitis, soymeal delivers again. Starch and sugar from any source can be dangerous for horses at risk or with clinical and subclinical laminitis. Feeds with less than 15% sugar and starch are indicated. Soybean meal contains approximately 12% sugar + starch and has a low glycaemic index.
But soymeal also contains many other beneficial bioactive compounds shown to reduce insulin-resistance and support the beneficial gut bacteria and suppress growth of pathogenic bacteria in humans and other animals. In addition to lots of good anti-oxidants, soymeal contains isoflavones, quecertins and galactooligosaccharides (one of the most potent prebiotics) that improve insulin sensitivity.
Main constituents PARAMETER AS FED ON DM UNIT OTHER UNIT Dry matter 87.7 100 % – Crude protein 43.5 49.6 % – Crude fibre 6.3 7.1 % – Crude fat 1.7 1.9 % – Ash 6.5 7.4 % – Insoluble ash 0.2 0.3 % – NDF 13 14.8 % – ADF 7.8 8.8 % – Lignin 0.7 0.8 % – Water insoluble cell walls 18.9 21.5 % – Starch 6 6.8 % – Total sugars 9.3 10.6 % – Gross energy (kcal) 4090 4660 kcal/kg – Gross energy (MJ) 17.1 19.5 MJ/kg – Mineral elements PARAMETER AS FED ON DM UNIT OTHER UNIT Calcium 3.4 3.9 g/kg – Phosphorus 6.2 7.1 g/kg – Phytate phosphorus 3.7 4.3 g/kg 60 % P Magnesium 2.9 3.3 g/kg – Potassium 21.5 24.5 g/kg – Sodium 0.08 0.09 g/kg – Chlorine 0.4 0.5 g/kg – Electrolyte balance 543 619 mEq/kg – Manganese 32 36 mg/kg – Zinc 36 41 mg/kg – Copper 14 16 mg/kg –
In this comprehensive guide, we aim to equip livestock producers of soybean meal feed wholesale online, nutritionists, and researchers with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about incorporating soybean meal feed into their livestock diets. Whether you’re focused on poultry, swine, ruminants, or aquaculture, soybean meal’s nutritional prowess can play a vital role in optimizing animal health and productivity while contributing to the overall sustainability of the industry.